Monday, December 14, 2015

dark mood and cats

    As i'm in the most boring, productive-less and pointless period of my year, December, i cant find any topic to blog about , so here's some photos of a lovely kitty family that i stumbled upon last Saturday and one of this week's outfits.

hope you're having a better time

see you soon
Imen xoxo.

Monday, December 7, 2015


      Went out with no goal last Saturday but wasnt disappointed :) i've always been fascinated by infamous parts of very famous cities here in Tunisia, this time calm alleys and old/new city homes cough my eye. place: Bab Laasal (Honey Gate).

and of course kitties :)

 this is the best looking stray kitty i've ever seen, a true "prince" !

hope you had a gorgeous week and enjoy your festive month !


Saturday, November 21, 2015


As usual, no mood for almost anything these days, it's the weather, few years back i would feel over exited for the coming of winter, but now the slightest grey in the sky will make it even harder to get out of bed.

luckely the weekend is brighter so i was out shooting some greens

and purple !

and kitty , of course. 

hope you had a better time than me. see you


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Bits and colors

   As this blog is mostly a diary, i'm posting more about my daily bits and stuff, not a beauty or lifestyle blog, just a blog . this need to be clear so you lovely readers can undrestand why i dont post regularly.

 last weekend i went for a walk and a bite  arround Old Tunis with my sister,  shooting some photos , and  a small vlog to document it :)

there's no order or theme in these, but they all connect i think :)

hope you had a lovely weekend, see you 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fall oh Fall !

    Technically  fall starts in few days, but it still over 33° and trees are still green and bright, and since i'm not a big fan of the heat and the summer to me is only the few days i spent at the beach, i like to think that it's already fall !

   And what a better way to start fall than a "vanity organizing" session ?! ( i know, there are  better ways but i Enjoy organizing !)

    I've been cleaning and ditching "too chemical" stuff from my beauty and skincare shelves since last spring, but it has been a "very slow" proccess because i simply couldn't find "cleaner" alternatives that realy work for me in here, the only "mostly clean" beauty and skincare brand available is Yves Rocher, wich is good but not all items are great, specialy makeup.
      I rarely wear makeup, mostly when i go out, wich is once or twice a week, and even when i do, it's a "no makeup" look, so i dont care much about how long it lasts or the makeup trends that are going on,( i do genuinely hate anything that the kardashians started though ..) but i do care if it's good for the skin or not,  and since online shopping is a catastrophy from here i asked my lovely brother to bring some stuff that i read great reviews on  from Germany : LaveraKosmetics, Dr.hauschka, Bareminerals, Isadora, and a Zoeva vegan brush set. i still have "regular" items and "not so clean" brands but most of my stuff are cruelty free now ( wich is very important to me)  except some body lotions and fragrances, wich i'm not proud to use but cant get rid of them as they're gifts. now that my Minimalist skincare and makeup set is completed, i organized my vanity !

the vanity table is a DIY . the mirror is vintage, the star is a candle holder but turned it into accessory holder.

 the lidded candle jar hold cotton rounds and q-tips. toners and facial oils are homemade :)

i keep my makeup kit in this box , i dont reach for it everyday so it's good to keep it safe from sun rays and dust.

the "chair" is a case too, it holds some extra skincare bits, hair straightener that i barely use, ladies stuff, and toilettery bags.

 hope i inspired you in some way :) enjoy the rest of your summer !



Saturday, August 15, 2015


It's been a while, i know, i'm sorry, but i'll make it up i promise!

after my "ramadan detox" it was too hot to go out or even stay in normaly, so nothing much happened in that time until we got a surprise visit from my little brother and his lovely wife, and we had some quality time together, as i'm terrible at description( you should've known by now..) here's a vlog sequences to give you an idea, part 1 and 2 . i'm not a photografer nor a director please be patient and any advice, suggestions are more than welcome! enjoy !

have a gorgeous summer


Monday, June 15, 2015

Ramadan !

      The best month of the year ( at least for me) is coming! Ramadan ! and it's kind of a "cleansing" month too,  not much going out, not much internet or any kind of distraction . so i'll be away from the web  for 4 weeks to get the best spiritual benefits possible.

      As an attempt of vlogging i made a little clip of this saturday outing , something new to alternate from photo diary, hope you like it !

and few shots of old Tunis, you can tell i'm obssessed with old , historical architecture, it doesnt have to be famous or fancy, it just have to have some  story behind, wich is the case of most towns and cities here

ootd :)


hope you have a blessed ramadan and a lovely summer ! see you hopefully before Aid !

Imen xoxo